Stopping the scroll

Your headline should stop the scroll.

The title of your post or email fulfils the same function as the headline of a newspaper article. It is the first thing that you see. It is designed to draw you in, make you want to read the rest of the article. 

You should look at the headline from the perspective of your reader. To get the reader to stop there must be something in the headline for them. Something that solves a problem for them.

The headline or title is all that you have to stop the scroll or entice the reader into the article. 

Your headline should be:

➡️ Clear, simple and to the point. Avoid trying to be witty, clever or complex

➡️ Facts are important

➡️ Solve the readers problem

➡️ Answer the question that is in the reader’s head

If you want to know more then drop me an email, remember people buy solutions not ideas.

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