
Write for your audience

Write for your Audience

not for yourself. The issue that many content creators have is that they write the content for themselves. That is not where you need to be. You need to write for your audience, the article is about them and what you can do for them. Talking to your audience rather than talking at them.

The ability to write good content (or copy) is something that can be learnt, it is still a craft rather than an art, but it takes time to develop the muscle memory. 

Remembering that the person that you are writing for is a human being (even if there is the potential that the person doing the writing isn’t!) and therefore they are prone to emotions that you cannot always control or account for. As we all know, there are days when things annoy us for no apparent reason, whilst others it wouldn’t have even caused a raise in the heart rate.

Whether you are trying to sell your product or service, what you do is not of importance to the person reading. What the reader wants to know is how you can fix their problems or concerns. You don’t even have to mention the company name, if you can get across the idea that what they want and need is your goal then the text is on point.

Imagine you are speaking or writing to your customer, have a mental (or physical) image of what they look like. You need to speak to them directly and address their concerns and not waste time and effort worrying about what you want.

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