How Quickly Will My Content Start Ranking?

How quickly will my content start ranking?

You’ve spent all this time writing the content and uploading to the platform you have chosen, but how quickly will it start to rank? Everything takes time and there are no quick wins on this unless you are prepared to pay a lot of money for paid advertising. If the organic route is your aim then progress will be slower, but the results will be more beneficial as you establish an audience that is engaged. An engaged audience will only be of benefit to you as they have chosen to follow your journey rather than someone else’s. They have wanted to know what you are doing and know more about you.

Google can take up to 8 weeks to crawl your website and realise that you even exist, there is nothing that you can do but wait for that process to complete. The important thing during that process is that you continue to build the content library. Once you are found, your history of posting will be important. It is also not the time to stop just because you aren’t seeing the results you want. Be patient and wait for the gratification to come to you.

Getting noticed on the internet and your work being noticed is going to take time. This is certainly a case of where you need to put the work in and have patience. Don’t give up before your work starts to make a difference and then be disappointed when google suddenly finds you but you have a gap in content.

#socialmedia #brand #strategy #engagement #contentmanagement

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