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Maximise YOUR output

How to Turn One Piece of Content into 17

As a business owner you know that content is king. However, you are also strapped for time and no doubt occasionally ideas on what to write. That’s why you can help yourself by repurposing your content. By taking one piece of content and turning it into multiple pieces, you can save time and effort, while still reaching your audience with fresh, new information.

Here’s how you do it:

Start with a strong blog post. 

This is the foundation for all of your other content. Make sure your blog post is well-written, informative, and engaging.

Turn your blog post into a newsletter. 

This is a great way to stay top-of-mind with your subscribers. Just add a short introduction and call to action to your blog post, and you’re good to go.

Split your blog post into 5 pieces of content. 

This is where the magic happens. Once you have a strong blog post, you can easily split it into 5 smaller pieces of content. Each piece can be used for a different social media platform, or for a different purpose.

Use each piece of content to create 5 LinkedIn posts, 5 tweets, and 5 Instagram posts. 

This is where you’ll really start to see the power of repurposing content. By creating multiple posts for each piece of content, you can reach a wider audience and get more engagement.

Use hashtags to reach your target audience. 

When you’re posting on social media, be sure to use relevant hashtags. This will help your posts get seen by more people.

By following these steps, you can turn one piece of content into 17 different pieces. This is a great way to save time and effort, while still reaching your audience with fresh, new information.

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