The Value Exchange

The Value Exchange

You provide great content and your audience invests their time As content creators the focus is often on the effort that is put into crafting the articles and posts.  But it’s crucial to remember that your audience is also making an investment – their time.  In this value exchange, their time is a precious resource,…

To Be Interesting, You Need to Be Interested

To Be Interesting, You Need to Be Interested

The Power of Authenticity in Content Creation In the world of content creation, one of the most powerful ingredients for success is authenticity.  At the core of authenticity lies genuine interest. As a writer, it is essential to be truly interested in the subjects you choose to explore.  Genuine interest in your content is crucial…

Embracing Discomfort
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Embracing Discomfort

Unlocking Growth and Mastery In the world of professional growth, there is a powerful concept that often gets overlooked: the necessity of discomfort. Whether you are honing your writing skills or seeking to expand your presence on social media, stepping outside of your comfort zone is a crucial ingredient for unlocking your true potential.  Let…

Why You need an email list
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Why You need an email list

Building Direct Connections with Your Audience With social media platforms dominating the online landscape, it’s easy to overlook the value of an email newsletter. However, when it comes to building direct connections with your audience and maintaining control over your communication, an email newsletter remains a powerful tool. Let us explore the benefits of writing…

Crafting Your Winning Strategy
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Crafting Your Winning Strategy

Your Path to Success In the fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape, having a well-defined strategy is necessary to allow you to achieve your goals and stay ahead of your competition. Your strategy serves as a compass, guiding your decisions and actions towards success. It represents your priority list from the myriad of possibilities you have. …

What is Your goal
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What is Your goal

Use Your Goal to Connect, Educate, and Inspire Have you ever found yourself staring at a blank screen, struggling to find the words to write that next LinkedIn post? Or perhaps you’ve been uncertain about the direction of your content, unsure of what value you can bring to your audience. In these moments, it’s essential…

Why You can benefit from using an agency or ghostwriter
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Why You can benefit from using an agency or ghostwriter

Amplify Your Reach and Focus on Business Growth In the dynamic world of LinkedIn, building a strong presence and engaging with your audience can be a great addition to your professional success. However, with the demands of growing and closing business deals, finding the time to consistently create valuable content can be challenging.  That’s where…

Embrace The Fear
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Embrace The Fear

Overcoming hesitations in starting Your journey on LinkedIn Starting to post on LinkedIn can be an intimidating endeavour. It’s natural to have concerns about what your network will think, fear of judgement, and worries about whether anyone will even read your posts.  These uncertainties can hold us back from sharing our thoughts, experiences, and expertise…

Plan YOUR content
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Plan YOUR content

Why You need a well planned content calendar Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by the constant need to come up with new content ideas on the fly?  Do you find yourself struggling to find time to post consistently amidst your busy schedule?  If so, it’s time to embrace the game-changing potential of a well-planned…