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Why YOU should be writing

Text-Based Social Media: Harder, But Better

In the world of B2B marketing, social media is a powerful tool.Y ou can use it to reach a wide audience, generate leads, and build relationships. But with so many different platforms and strategies to choose from, where do you start.

One option that you may have overlooked is text-based social media. While video content is often seen as the gold standard, text-based content can be just as effective, if not more so, in a B2B environment.

Here are a few reasons why:

Text-based content is more scannable. 

In today’s busy world, people are more likely to scan your content than read it in its entirety. Text-based content is easier to scan, making it more likely that people will actually see your message.

Text-based content is more shareable. 

People are more likely to share text-based content than video content. This is because text-based content is easier to understand and can be shared in a shorter amount of time.

Text-based content can be more engaging than video content if it is well-written and informative. 

When people read text-based content, they are more likely to think about it and respond to it.

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