Achieve Your Goals
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Achieve Your Goals

The Power of a High Level Goal. Setting clear goals is essential to your success.  Initially rooted in military strategy, a high level goal can be considered a commander’s intent.  It offers a holistic and focused approach to long-term goal achievement.  Let’s look at how this concept can drive your ambitions. Define Your Ultimate Goal…

The Logical and Emotional Client
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The Logical and Emotional Client

A Tale of Two Paths to Your Services. As you navigate the fascinating world of client acquisition, there are two distinct journeys that intertwine—the path of the logical client and that of the emotional client.  Understanding the interplay between these two approaches allows you to unlock the full potential of your business. Both the emotional…

Why You need to understand all of Your data

Why You need to understand all of Your data

Grow Your Audience with Analytics and Engaging Conversations Data has become a powerful ally in the quest to grow and engage your audience on LinkedIn.  By harnessing the analytics and understanding the impact of comments and likes, we can optimise your content strategy and build a thriving community.  Using the power of data is essential…

The Value Exchange

The Value Exchange

You provide great content and your audience invests their time As content creators the focus is often on the effort that is put into crafting the articles and posts.  But it’s crucial to remember that your audience is also making an investment – their time.  In this value exchange, their time is a precious resource,…

Leveraging Personal and Business Profiles
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Leveraging Personal and Business Profiles

Amplifying Your Influence and Expertise Establishing a strong online presence is essential for you both professionally and in your business.  By strategically leveraging your personal and business profiles, you have the power to position yourself and your company as industry experts, thought leaders, and trusted sources of valuable insights.  Let’s explore the benefits of combining…

Why writing daily will accelerate Your journey
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Why writing daily will accelerate Your journey

The path of iterative learning Writing is an art form that evolves with practice. It’s not just about creating captivating content, but also about continuously refining your craft. The more you write, the more opportunities you have to learn, grow, and improve. Imagine this: you write an article once a month. In a year, you…

The Power of Understanding

The Power of Understanding

Writing Convincingly by Mastering Your Subject Whether you’re crafting content for marketing campaigns, sales pitches, or informative articles, your goal is to convince your audience that you have the solution to their problems. But here’s the problem, in order to write convincingly, you must first truly understand your subject. Imagine trying to convince someone to…