The AI revolution and Your human judgement
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The AI revolution and Your human judgement

The Harmonious Dance of AI and Human Judgment. AI has been nothing short of revolutionary, from generating content to automating processes, AI’s capabilities have transformed the way we work.  Yet, amidst this digital evolution, there’s a crucial truth that must not be overlooked, the irreplaceable value of human judgment. Let’s explore why the relationship between…

Achieve Your Goals
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Achieve Your Goals

The Power of a High Level Goal. Setting clear goals is essential to your success.  Initially rooted in military strategy, a high level goal can be considered a commander’s intent.  It offers a holistic and focused approach to long-term goal achievement.  Let’s look at how this concept can drive your ambitions. Define Your Ultimate Goal…

Why you should take every opportunity to practice

Why you should take every opportunity to practice

The Art of Practice. Practice and honing your craft cannot be underestimated.  From the pens of the greatest authors to the keyboards of modern wordsmiths, one universal truth stands tall: The more you practise, the more you excel.  In the quieter moments there lies an opportunity to sharpen your skills and build your writing muscle…

Why focus and concentration are important for overall success
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Why focus and concentration are important for overall success

Playing Each Point to Win the Game. When you play tennis it is easy to focus on winning the match whereas you need to focus on every point.  A single mistake can tilt the balance, while a well-executed shot can lead to victory.  To achieve your desired end state, you must embrace the power of…

Writing with Passion
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Writing with Passion

The Key to Captivating Your Audience. As a writer, you hold incredible power, to weave words into compelling narratives that captivate and inspire your audience.  Yet, the question you must always ask yourself is, “Does this topic truly interest me?”  Passion is the driving force behind exceptional content, and embracing your genuine interests fuels the…

The Logical and Emotional Client
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The Logical and Emotional Client

A Tale of Two Paths to Your Services. As you navigate the fascinating world of client acquisition, there are two distinct journeys that intertwine—the path of the logical client and that of the emotional client.  Understanding the interplay between these two approaches allows you to unlock the full potential of your business. Both the emotional…

How to build your credentials as a thought leader
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How to build your credentials as a thought leader

Your Path to Professional Influence A thought leader represents an individual who not only possesses expertise in their field but also captivates and inspires others through their ideas and insights.  Whether you are starting with a fresh LinkedIn account or already have a substantial following, the journey to becoming a thought leader is within your…

Why you should always be asking questions
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Why you should always be asking questions

Unveiling Hidden Insights In the modern world knowledge is abundant, it’s natural to find ourselves inundated with information.  However, amidst this sea of data, there are questions left unasked—questions that hold the key to understanding the core challenges faced by our audience.  You can unlock a world of hidden insights by daring to ask the…