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11 Tips on how to reuse your content

The Power of Content Repurposing on LinkedIn.

Content is king, and LinkedIn is a thriving kingdom where professionals connect, share, and engage.

 If you’re already producing valuable content in the form of blog posts, articles, or other formats, you’re sitting on a goldmine. 

The secret? Content repurposing.

The Art of Content Repurposing

Content repurposing is a smart strategy to maximise the reach and impact of your content. 

It involves taking existing content and adapting it into different formats to appeal to a broader audience. 

When done right, it not only saves time but also ensures that your valuable insights reach as many LinkedIn users as possible.

Why Repurpose Content on LinkedIn?

1. Reach a Different Audience: 

LinkedIn attracts professionals from various industries and backgrounds. 

Repurposing allows you to tailor your content to different segments of your audience.

2. Boost Engagement: 

People consume content in various ways. 

While some prefer articles, others engage more with visual content like infographics or videos.

3. Solidify Expertise: 

Repetition helps reinforce your expertise. 

When you present your ideas in various formats, it underscores your authority in your field.

Repurposing in Action

Let’s say you have a well-researched blog post about the future of AI in business. 

Here’s how you can repurpose it:

1. LinkedIn Article

Turn your blog post into a LinkedIn article. 

Share key takeaways and insights while encouraging discussions.

2. Infographic

Create an eye-catching infographic summarising the main points from your blog. 

Visual content often gets more shares and engagement.

3. Podcast Episode

Record a podcast episode discussing the blog’s key ideas. 

Many LinkedIn users prefer audio content.

4. Video Presentation

Turn your blog into a video presentation. 

Share your screen as you walk through the main points. 

Upload this to your LinkedIn profile.

5. LinkedIn Poll

Use the blog’s content to create a LinkedIn poll. 

Engage your network by asking questions related to the blog’s topic.

Best Practices for Content Repurposing

1. Maintain Quality: 

Repurposed content should offer value on its own. 

Don’t compromise quality for quantity.

2. Tailor to the Platform: 

Each platform has its strengths. 

Tailor your repurposed content to fit the platform you’re using.

3. Update and Refresh: 

If your original content becomes outdated, make sure to update all repurposed versions.

Content repurposing is a superpower in your LinkedIn marketing arsenal. 

It enables you to reach a wider audience, engage with your connections on multiple fronts, and establish yourself as an authority in your field. 

So, dig into your content treasure trove, start repurposing, and watch your LinkedIn presence flourish. 

Remember, the more you share, the more you connect.

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